Lesstofudvergur í Leuven

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Mistress of Belgium

I like that name. It was recently given to me and I plan on using it religiously from now on. Why? Because I can.
Reyndi að læra í dag. Það gekk ekki vel. Skrapp svo út eftir kvöldmat. Eftir að hafa geispað u.þ.b. 3000 sinnum ákvað ég að fara bara heim. How boring am I?
Við Hafdís erum búnað vera að mingla við krakkana á tungumálanámskeiðinu, þ.á.m. 3 þjóðverjastráka eins og ég hef nefnt. Nú við hittum þá á fimmtudaginn og berst þá í tal að við séum á leið til Amsterdam um næstu helgi með rútu. Þeir spurja afhverju við tökum ekki lestina, það sé hægt að fá svo ódýra miða fyrir 26 ára og yngri.
"Það gengur ekki fyrir mig, I'm too old", segir Hafdís.
"Uuuu... what? How old are you" spurja þeir þá. Stupid German people! Don't they know they're never suppose to ask a lady that question?
"I'm 27" svarar Hafdís.
"I thought you said you were 25..., yesterday".
"Well... sometimes I tell people I'm 25...".
Þá beina þeir spurningunni að mér.
"And how old are you".
"Uuuuu... I propably told you yesterday I was 23... but I'm really 25".
Töff atriði.
Talandi um að skjóta sig í fótinn... eeeh, whatever. Ekki að það skipti máli því ég er hvort sem er Halli Halti because of the stupid ass partyleg. You know you love me.
Jæja, svefnloftið kallar,
Tot Ziens


At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mistress darling. i can see you are going half/half on the english versus icelandic. I guess i should call it improovement. Yes, let's call it that!

Btw.. how is the stupid partyleg - still hanging out with stomping steve. I can tell you that pee-wee really miss him!

Love Ya

At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gætir lennt á elliheimili með Herði! Annar segir Elma Eik bara pabbi kallinn núna!!!

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should always tell the truth about your age, darling. Lying is bad - something we lawyers should only do if we get well paid for it. And everybody already knows you turned 19 this summer, anyway...


At 12:51 PM, Blogger Lesstofudvergurinn said...

That is true! There is no shame in being 19 and loving it.
Well the "going all english" isn't working for me yet. But I'll get there, I'm sure.
My stupid partyleg was getting better, but is now back to bad. But I have happypills... lots and lots of them ;) thihihi. Anyways, the doctor doesn't want to do anything, just wait it out. So untill then, I keep hanging out with Stumping Stevie. It's nice to have company...


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